- The presentation below was created for WOMEN -
(between 0:21:43 and 1:11:42 women are singing).
This women’s presentation is a collation of all the audio recordings and related handouts (from "The Geula Now" website) for the ladies Geula Gathering of 15 Av 5779. It is even more relevant now, so have your own "watch party" and celebrate the coming redemption with your friends. Please visit the site to source many individual recordings and material related to this event and more. https://thegeulanow.com
Thank you to all who have contributed to every Geula Gathering that was held around the world and especially to those Hashem inspired to begin the movement. We are only at the beginning and we will continue to gather. Remember, Moshiach is at the Door! Just pull Him in!
If you would like to go to a certain Niggun (Holy Song), or find the story behind each one, use the video timings (below) and skip to that point. Keep in mind that Niggunim are holy and some are to be only sung at certain times of the year or in certain places. So please be mindful in how, where and when you play or sing these.
Skip to various narration points or Niggunim.
01:32 Sinai Presentation – video by Shirah Malka
11:05 D'var Torah Chamishah Asar B'av
14:34 Introduction to Niggunim
19:37 Seder Niggunim
19:41 Narration - Shalosh Tenuos
21:43 Niggun - Shalosh Tenuos
23:38 Narration - Keili Ata
24:07 Niggun - Keili Ata
26:48 Narration - Kapelya
27:34 Niggun - Kapelya
30:34 Narration - Yemin Hashem
32:22 Niggun - Yemin Hashem
33:18 Narration - L'chatchiler Ariber
33:47 Niggun - L'chatchiler Ariber
35:54 Narration - Niggun Hachana
36:09 Niggun - Niggun Hachana
38:18 Narration - Beinoni Niggun
42:34 Niggun - Beinoni Niggun
44:44 Narration - Hu Elokainu
46:03 Niggun - Hu Elokainu
46:49 Narration - Reb Levik's Niggun
46:56 Niggun - Reb Levik's Niggun
48:08 Narration - Ani Ma'amin
55:12 Niggun - Ani Ma'amin
56:50 Narration - Arba Bavos
1:02:12 Niggun - Arba Bavos
1:08:16 Narration - Nejeritche Chlopshis
1:08:40 Niggun - Nejeritche Chlopshis
1:09:42 Narration - We Want Moshiach Now!
1:10:37 Niggun - We Want Moshiach Now!
1:11:44 Ending & Invitation to welcome Moshiach.
Website: A great source for Geula (Redemption) related texts, articles and audios for women, brought to you by "Nechama Dina". https://thegeulanow.com/
Website: The home of the Geula Gathering Movement started by "Rikva Malka Pearlman". The stated goal is "to gather together in song and prayer to express our pure yearning that Hashem, our G-d, bring the Geula, The Final Redemption."