Links to Learning 

Geula Girls

YouTube Channel


Website:  The Geula Girls YouTube channel hosts a sample of Geula related information, awesome meditations and some of our class recordings for group members. Most of the content is "unlisted" (i.e. not available publically). Playlists are available to chat group members and class attendees.


Geula Girls YouTube Channel Link

The Geula Now



Website:  A great source for Geula (Redemption) related texts and articles. It also includes educational audios and niggunim (Chassidic songs) sung by women, for women.


The Practical Tanya Class with Nechama Dina


The main class text is the Likkutei Ammarim. We are currently using the first book of the Tanya known as Sefer shel Beinonim ("The Book for Inbetweeners") which is basically a guidebook to life. We enjoy the version translated and explained by Rabbi Chaim Miller.


Class Recordings can be found on the Archives Link: (Password Protected - access is offered to class attendees or chat group members only - for security. Just say hello and join in). 


As these classes are essentially group discussions where we share personal insights, often much needs to be edited out of any recordings to maintain a safe space, or it isn't able to be re-shared at all. However, if you attend, you won't miss a thing.

D'var Torah Class with Nechama Dina


A weekly D'var Torah (word of Torah) class delving very deep into the Parsha of the week using texts (various English translations) from the D'var Malchus, Likkutei Sichos, or Likkutei Torah/ Torah Or. These texts are advanced but there is something for everyone and no one is left behind. Read along with us, ask questions and apply the gems to your life.


Class Recordings can be found on the Archives Link: (Password Protected - access is offered to class attendees or chat group members only - for security. Just say hello and join in). 


As these classes are essentially group discussions where we share personal insights, often much needs to be edited out of any recordings to maintain a safe space, or it isn't able to be re-shared at all. However, if you attend, you won't miss a thing.

Kosher Casual - Women's Modest Clothing

Kosher Casual

for Modest Women's wear


Website:  After you learn why it's important to be modest, comes the job of finding options in today's world. There's few places to find "t-shirt shells" that cover what you need and aren't so hot for the summer. The Kosher Casual mission is to make high-quality clothing basics that are modest, affordable and comfortable - to not only look good, but to live in. (Nothing is earnt from this referral).

Kosher Casual